Before the eyes would wonder and gaze at the beauty of Madja-as, they would first be captured by the scenery at the foot of the majestic mountain. One couldn't help marvel at the big and rapid change that is taking place at the NAVS after its rehabilitation from the devastating earthquake. Proudly standing now are the buildings such as the Romulo J. Alpas Memorial Complex, the Administration which is surrounded with blossoming flowers, New SEDIP Building, the long stretch of Boys and Girls Trade, and other vocational and related subjects buildings that house the computer rooms and those which are situated in the farm. There is also the Canteen that has been catering to several big occasions and gatherings. However, inspite of these numerous number of buildings, there is still a need for more to accommodate the increasing number of enrollees every year.

The beautification and cleanliness drive initiated by the Vocational School Administrator, the two Department Heads and the teachers is responsible for the  pleasant look of the whole campus. Vacant lots and spaces are utilized by filling them with flower gardens, vegetables and trees. The tree house built atop the narra tree and the rock falls with flowing water which were built by the students in Building Construction and Electricity are some of the eye-catchers in the campus.

"GIVE A MAN A TOOL, YOU HELP HIM FOR A DAY; TEACH HIM HOW TO USE IT, HE HELPS HIMSELF FOR LIFE." This is the very essence of the vocational training aside from the academic discipline that the school provides.

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